Ron DeHaas
30 Years -UE High School & Jr Bowling Coach also help with
- M-E school program
Member Endicott Bowling Association Hall of Fame
Certified Levels 1 and 2 USBC Coaching
Tim MacNorton
Has lived in Endicott over 40 years
Has coached Juniors and Seniors for 15 years
Attended coaching school in 2005 and started coaching at Ideal shortly there after
Karen Van Vorce
Has lived Apalachin for 31 years
Has bowled for 45 years
Has coached Pee Wees (3-5 year olds) and Bantams (5-10 year olds) for the last 16 years
Attended a coaching seminar in 2012
Sarah Lee
Bowling for 35 years
Native of Endwell/Endicott area
Father was also a junior bowling coach, and got her started in the sport of bowling
Coaching preps, Town of Union Bumpers and Instructional for 10years
Attended a coaching seminar in 2012